It is only when human mind liberates itself from the limitations and boundaries, technology moves ahead and brings us to one more milestone. This is just what perhaps Ethan Marcotte did when he introduced the idea of creating web designs which "responds" to the screen dimensions and resolutions it is being viewed on. His tips on Responsive Web Design were viewed around the blog "A list Apart". Getting freedom from screen sizes and resolutions of numerous devices has turned into a liberating and perhaps creatively fulfilling experience for your web-site designers.

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Within the web 0.1 era when static one-page websites are intended, things were just about simple, no less than with them in today's era. Gradually, mobile was introduced also it experienced several transformations which continue till today. Along came other devices too, including Notebook and Kindle. While the marketing geeks have always remained about the pursuit for possible ways of reaching the shoppers and audience, web has remained the least expensive method of emailing them (a proven way initially and 2 way today) with best ROI. It has opened new avenues to forge transparent and uninhibited conversations and it has hence kept marketing teams on its toes to style their communiqué or websites fitted to the not only each display size but also the top features of the each medium or device.

As the quantity of devices will definitely rise, having separate websites for each device can help with a mind boggling number websites to be designed, updated and managed on a regular basis. Naturally that every website might not convey the identical theme or essence, but demands to become created since your market could visualize it on the device he's beloved with. To top up, the audience experience in different browsers may vary vastly. And while we now have evolves further, we might look at independence in the limited screens of handheld devices. The opportunity to use any surface like a screen is perhaps on the horizon!

Today, even Google recommends Responsive Website design as their preferred method for building websites. Moreover, Google Analytics can offer a consolidated set of the information of the website from each device, rather than different charts and graphs for various sites.

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Responsive Web site design was obviously a term coined by Ethan Marcotte which rests about the concepts of fluid designs and content and image choreography and media queries.